Package 'nandb'

Title: Number and Brightness Image Analysis
Description: Calculation of molecular number and brightness from fluorescence microscopy image series. The software was published in a 2016 paper <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx434>. The seminal paper for the technique is Digman et al. 2008 <doi:10.1529/biophysj.107.114645>. A review of the technique was published in 2017 <doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2017.12.001>.
Authors: Rory Nolan [aut, cre, cph] , Luis Alvarez [ctb, cph] , Sergi Padilla-Parra [ctb, ths, cph]
Maintainer: Rory Nolan <[email protected]>
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Version: 2.1.1
Built: 2025-01-27 21:22:35 UTC

Help Index

Calculate brightness from image series.


Given a time stack of images, brightness() performs a calculation of the brightness for each pixel.


  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  s = 1,
  offset = 0,
  readout_noise = 0,
  parallel = FALSE



A 4-dimensional array in the style of an ijtiff_img (indexed by img[y, x, channel, frame]) or a 3-dimensional array which is a single channel of an ijtiff_img (indexed by img[y, x, frame]).


A character. Which definition of brightness do you want to use, "B" or "epsilon"?


The threshold or thresholding method (see autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh()) to use on the image prior to detrending and brightness calculations.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


If FALSE (the default), the swap finding routine is run several times to get a consensus for the best parameter. If TRUE, the swap finding routine is run only once.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'mean') or median (filt = 'median') filter the number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 (with corners included, so each median is the median of 9 elements) and with the option na_count = TRUE. If you want to smooth/median filter the number image in a different way, first calculate the numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


A positive number. The SS-factor of microscope acquisition.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


A matrix, the brightness image.


Digman MA, Dalal R, Horwitz AF, Gratton E. Mapping the Number of Molecules and Brightness in the Laser Scanning Microscope. Biophysical Journal. 2008;94(6):2320-2332. doi:10.1529/biophysj.107.114645.

Dalal, RB, Digman, MA, Horwitz, AF, Vetri, V, Gratton, E (2008). Determination of particle number and brightness using a laser scanning confocal microscope operating in the analog mode. Microsc. Res. Tech., 71, 1:69-81. doi:10.1002/jemt.20526.


img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
ijtiff::display(img[, , 1, 1])
b <- brightness(img, "e", thresh = "Huang")
b <- brightness(img, "B", thresh = "tri")

Brightness calculations for every image in a folder.


Perform brightness() calculations on all tif images in a folder and save the resulting brightness images to disk.


  folder_path = ".",
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  s = 1,
  offset = 0,
  readout_noise = 0,
  parallel = FALSE



The path (relative or absolute) to the folder you wish to process.


A character. Which definition of brightness do you want to use, "B" or "epsilon"?


The threshold or thresholding method (see autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh()) to use on the image prior to detrending and brightness calculations.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


If FALSE (the default), the swap finding routine is run several times to get a consensus for the best parameter. If TRUE, the swap finding routine is run only once.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'mean') or median (filt = 'median') filter the number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 (with corners included, so each median is the median of 9 elements) and with the option na_count = TRUE. If you want to smooth/median filter the number image in a different way, first calculate the numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


A positive number. The SS-factor of microscope acquisition.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.

See Also



## Not run: 
img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "img1.tif")
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "img2.tif")
brightness_folder(def = "B", thresh = "Huang")

## End(Not run)

Create a brightness time-series.


Given a stack of images img, use the first frames_per_set of them to create one brightness image, the next frames_per_set of them to create the next brightness image and so on to get a time-series of brightness images.


  overlap = FALSE,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  s = 1,
  offset = 0,
  readout_noise = 0,
  parallel = FALSE



A 4-dimensional array in the style of an ijtiff_img (indexed by img[y, x, channel, frame]) or a 3-dimensional array which is a single channel of an ijtiff_img (indexed by img[y, x, frame]).


A character. Which definition of brightness do you want to use, "B" or "epsilon"?


The number of frames with which to calculate the successive brightnesses.


A boolean. If TRUE, the windows used to calculate number are overlapped, if FALSE, they are not. For example, for a 20-frame image series with 5 frames per set, if the windows are not overlapped, then the frame sets used are 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20; whereas if they are overlapped, the frame sets are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and so on up to 16-20.


The threshold or thresholding method (see autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh()) to use on the image prior to detrending and brightness calculations.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


If FALSE (the default), the swap finding routine is run several times to get a consensus for the best parameter. If TRUE, the swap finding routine is run only once.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'mean') or median (filt = 'median') filter the number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 (with corners included, so each median is the median of 9 elements) and with the option na_count = TRUE. If you want to smooth/median filter the number image in a different way, first calculate the numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


A positive number. The SS-factor of microscope acquisition.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


This may discard some images, for example if 175 frames are in the input and frames_per_set = 50, then the last 25 are discarded. If detrending is selected, it is performed on the whole image stack before the sectioning is done for calculation of numbers.


An object of class brightness_ts_img.

  • If img is 3-dimensional (i.e. 1-channel), a 3-dimensional array arr is returned with arr[y, x, t] being pixel (x,y)(x, y) of the ttth brightness image in the brightness time series.

  • If img is 4-dimensional (i.e. 2-channel), a 4-dimensional array arr is returned with arr[y, x, c, t] being pixel (x,y)(x, y) of the ccth channel of the ttth brightness image in the brightness time series.

See Also



img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
bts <- brightness_timeseries(img, "e", frames_per_set = 20, thresh = "Huang")

Brightness time-series calculations for every image in a folder.


Perform brightness_timeseries() calculations on all tif images in a folder and save the resulting number images to disk.


  folder_path = ".",
  overlap = FALSE,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  s = 1,
  offset = 0,
  readout_noise = 0,
  parallel = FALSE



The path (relative or absolute) to the folder you wish to process.


A character. Which definition of brightness do you want to use, "B" or "epsilon"?


The number of frames with which to calculate the successive brightnesses.


A boolean. If TRUE, the windows used to calculate number are overlapped, if FALSE, they are not. For example, for a 20-frame image series with 5 frames per set, if the windows are not overlapped, then the frame sets used are 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20; whereas if they are overlapped, the frame sets are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and so on up to 16-20.


The threshold or thresholding method (see autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh()) to use on the image prior to detrending and brightness calculations.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


If FALSE (the default), the swap finding routine is run several times to get a consensus for the best parameter. If TRUE, the swap finding routine is run only once.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'mean') or median (filt = 'median') filter the number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 (with corners included, so each median is the median of 9 elements) and with the option na_count = TRUE. If you want to smooth/median filter the number image in a different way, first calculate the numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


A positive number. The SS-factor of microscope acquisition.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.

See Also



## Not run: 
img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "img1.tif")
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "img2.tif")
brightness_timeseries_folder(def = "e", thresh = "tri", frames_per_set = 20)

## End(Not run)

Cross-correlated brightness.


Given a time stack of images and two channels, calculate the cross-correlated brightness of those two channels for each pixel.


  ch1 = 1,
  ch2 = 2,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE



A 4-dimensional array of images indexed by img[y, x, channel, frame] (an object of class ijtiff::ijtiff_img). The image to perform the calculation on. To perform this on a file that has not yet been read in, set this argument to the path to that file (a string).


A natural number. The index of the first channel to use.


A natural number. The index of the second channel to use.


Do you want to apply an intensity threshold prior to calculating cross-correlated brightness (via autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh())? If so, set your thresholding method here. If this is a single value, that same threshold will be applied to both channels. If this is a length-2 vector or list, then these two thresholds will be applied to channels 1 and 2 respectively. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. To detrend one channel and not the other, specify this as a length 2 vector.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'smooth') or median (filt = 'median') filter the cross-correlated brightness image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 and with the option na_count = TRUE. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel. If you want to smooth/median filter the cross-correlated brightness image in a different way, first calculate the cross-correlated brightnesses without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


A numeric matrix, the cross-correlated brightness image.


img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "two_ch.tif",
  package = "nandb"
ijtiff::display(detrendr::mean_pillars(img[, , 1, ]))
ijtiff::display(detrendr::mean_pillars(img[, , 2, ]))
b <- brightness(img, def = "e", thresh = "Huang", filt = "median")
ijtiff::display(b[, , 1, 1])
ijtiff::display(b[, , 2, 1])
cc_b <- cc_brightness(img, thresh = "Huang")
ijtiff::display(cc_b[, , 1, 1])

Cross-correlated brightness calculations for every image in a folder.


Perform cc_brightness() calculations on all TIFF images in a folder and save the resulting images to disk.


  folder_path = ".",
  ch1 = 1,
  ch2 = 2,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = detrend,
  quick = quick,
  filt = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE



The path (relative or absolute) to the folder you wish to process.


A natural number. The index of the first channel to use.


A natural number. The index of the second channel to use.


Do you want to apply an intensity threshold prior to calculating cross-correlated brightness (via autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh())? If so, set your thresholding method here. If this is a single value, that same threshold will be applied to both channels. If this is a length-2 vector or list, then these two thresholds will be applied to channels 1 and 2 respectively. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. To detrend one channel and not the other, specify this as a length 2 vector.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'smooth') or median (filt = 'median') filter the cross-correlated brightness image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 and with the option na_count = TRUE. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel. If you want to smooth/median filter the cross-correlated brightness image in a different way, first calculate the cross-correlated brightnesses without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


## Not run: 
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "a.tif")
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "ab.tif")

## End(Not run)

Create a cross-correlated brightness time-series.


Given a stack of images img, use the first frames_per_set of them to create one cross-correlated brightness image, the next frames_per_set of them to create the next and so on to get a time-series of cross-correlated brightness images.


  overlap = FALSE,
  ch1 = 1,
  ch2 = 2,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE



A 4-dimensional array of images indexed by img[y, x, channel, frame] (an object of class ijtiff::ijtiff_img). The image to perform the calculation on. To perform this on a file that has not yet been read in, set this argument to the path to that file (a string).


The number of frames with which to calculate the successive cross-correlated brightnesses.

This may discard some images, for example if 175 frames are in the input and frames_per_set = 50, then the last 25 are discarded. If bleaching or/and thresholding are selected, they are performed on the whole image stack before the sectioning is done for calculation of cross-correlated brightnesses.


A boolean. If TRUE, the windows used to calculate brightness are overlapped, if FALSE, they are not. For example, for a 20-frame image series with 5 frames per set, if the windows are not overlapped, then the frame sets used are 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20; whereas if they are overlapped, the frame sets are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and so on up to 16-20.


A natural number. The index of the first channel to use.


A natural number. The index of the second channel to use.


Do you want to apply an intensity threshold prior to calculating cross-correlated brightness (via autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh())? If so, set your thresholding method here. If this is a single value, that same threshold will be applied to both channels. If this is a length-2 vector or list, then these two thresholds will be applied to channels 1 and 2 respectively. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. To detrend one channel and not the other, specify this as a length 2 vector.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'smooth') or median (filt = 'median') filter the cross-correlated brightness image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 and with the option na_count = TRUE. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel. If you want to smooth/median filter the cross-correlated brightness image in a different way, first calculate the cross-correlated brightnesses without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


An array where the iith slice is the iith cross-correlated brightness image.

See Also



img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "two_ch.tif",
  package = "nandb"
cc_bts <- cc_brightness_timeseries(img, 10,
  thresh = "Huang",
  filt = "median", parallel = 2
ijtiff::display(cc_bts[, , 1, 1])

Cross-correlated brightness time-series calculations for every image in a folder.


Perform cc_brightness_timeseries() calculations on all tif images in a folder and save the resulting images to disk.


  folder_path = ".",
  overlap = FALSE,
  ch1 = 1,
  ch2 = 2,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = detrend,
  quick = quick,
  filt = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE



The path (relative or absolute) to the folder you wish to process.


The number of frames with which to calculate the successive cross-correlated brightnesses.

This may discard some images, for example if 175 frames are in the input and frames_per_set = 50, then the last 25 are discarded. If bleaching or/and thresholding are selected, they are performed on the whole image stack before the sectioning is done for calculation of cross-correlated brightnesses.


A boolean. If TRUE, the windows used to calculate brightness are overlapped, if FALSE, they are not. For example, for a 20-frame image series with 5 frames per set, if the windows are not overlapped, then the frame sets used are 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20; whereas if they are overlapped, the frame sets are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and so on up to 16-20.


A natural number. The index of the first channel to use.


A natural number. The index of the second channel to use.


Do you want to apply an intensity threshold prior to calculating cross-correlated brightness (via autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh())? If so, set your thresholding method here. If this is a single value, that same threshold will be applied to both channels. If this is a length-2 vector or list, then these two thresholds will be applied to channels 1 and 2 respectively. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. To detrend one channel and not the other, specify this as a length 2 vector.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'smooth') or median (filt = 'median') filter the cross-correlated brightness image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 and with the option na_count = TRUE. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel. If you want to smooth/median filter the cross-correlated brightness image in a different way, first calculate the cross-correlated brightnesses without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.

See Also



## Not run: 
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "a.tif")
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "ab.tif")
cc_brightness_timeseries_folder(frames_per_set = 25)

## End(Not run)

Cross-correlated number.


Given a time stack of images and two channels, calculate the cross-correlated number of those two channels for each pixel.


  ch1 = 1,
  ch2 = 2,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE



A 4-dimensional array of images indexed by img[y, x, channel, frame] (an object of class ijtiff::ijtiff_img). The image to perform the calculation on. To perform this on a file that has not yet been read in, set this argument to the path to that file (a string).


A natural number. The index of the first channel to use.


A natural number. The index of the second channel to use.


Do you want to apply an intensity threshold prior to calculating cross-correlated number (via autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh())? If so, set your thresholding method here. If this is a single value, that same threshold will be applied to both channels. If this is a length-2 vector or list, then these two thresholds will be applied to channels 1 and 2 respectively. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. To detrend one channel and not the other, specify this as a length 2 vector.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'smooth') or median (filt = 'median') filter the cross-correlated number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 and with the option na_count = TRUE. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel. If you want to smooth/median filter the cross-correlated number image in a different way, first calculate the cross-correlated numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


A numeric matrix, the cross-correlated number image.


img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "two_ch.tif",
  package = "nandb"
ijtiff::display(detrendr::mean_pillars(img[, , 1, ]))
ijtiff::display(detrendr::mean_pillars(img[, , 2, ]))
n <- number(img, def = "n", thresh = "Huang", filt = "median")
ijtiff::display(n[, , 1, 1])
ijtiff::display(n[, , 2, 1])
cc_n <- cc_number(img, thresh = "Huang")
ijtiff::display(cc_n[, , 1, 1])

Cross-correlated number calculations for every image in a folder.


Perform cc_number() calculations on all TIFF images in a folder and save the resulting images to disk.


  folder_path = ".",
  ch1 = 1,
  ch2 = 2,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE



The path (relative or absolute) to the folder you wish to process.


A natural number. The index of the first channel to use.


A natural number. The index of the second channel to use.


Do you want to apply an intensity threshold prior to calculating cross-correlated number (via autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh())? If so, set your thresholding method here. If this is a single value, that same threshold will be applied to both channels. If this is a length-2 vector or list, then these two thresholds will be applied to channels 1 and 2 respectively. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. To detrend one channel and not the other, specify this as a length 2 vector.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'smooth') or median (filt = 'median') filter the cross-correlated number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 and with the option na_count = TRUE. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel. If you want to smooth/median filter the cross-correlated number image in a different way, first calculate the cross-correlated numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


## Not run: 
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "a.tif")
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "ab.tif")

## End(Not run)

Create a cross-correlated number time-series.


Given a stack of images img, use the first frames_per_set of them to create one cross-correlated number image, the next frames_per_set of them to create the next and so on to get a time-series of cross-correlated number images.


  overlap = FALSE,
  ch1 = 1,
  ch2 = 2,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE



A 4-dimensional array of images indexed by img[y, x, channel, frame] (an object of class ijtiff::ijtiff_img). The image to perform the calculation on. To perform this on a file that has not yet been read in, set this argument to the path to that file (a string).


The number of frames with which to calculate the successive cross-correlated numbers.

This may discard some images, for example if 175 frames are in the input and frames_per_set = 50, then the last 25 are discarded. If bleaching or/and thresholding are selected, they are performed on the whole image stack before the sectioning is done for calculation of cross-correlated numbers.


A boolean. If TRUE, the windows used to calculate brightness are overlapped, if FALSE, they are not. For example, for a 20-frame image series with 5 frames per set, if the windows are not overlapped, then the frame sets used are 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20; whereas if they are overlapped, the frame sets are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and so on up to 16-20.


A natural number. The index of the first channel to use.


A natural number. The index of the second channel to use.


Do you want to apply an intensity threshold prior to calculating cross-correlated number (via autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh())? If so, set your thresholding method here. If this is a single value, that same threshold will be applied to both channels. If this is a length-2 vector or list, then these two thresholds will be applied to channels 1 and 2 respectively. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. To detrend one channel and not the other, specify this as a length 2 vector.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'smooth') or median (filt = 'median') filter the cross-correlated number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 and with the option na_count = TRUE. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel. If you want to smooth/median filter the cross-correlated number image in a different way, first calculate the cross-correlated numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


An array where the iith slice is the iith cross-correlated number image.

See Also



img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "two_ch.tif",
  package = "nandb"
cc_nts <- cc_number_timeseries(img, 10,
  thresh = "Huang",
  filt = "median", parallel = 2
ijtiff::display(cc_nts[, , 1, 1])

Cross-correlated number time-series calculations for every image in a folder.


Perform cc_number_timeseries() calculations on all tif images in a folder and save the resulting images to disk.


  folder_path = ".",
  overlap = FALSE,
  ch1 = 1,
  ch2 = 2,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE



The path (relative or absolute) to the folder you wish to process.


The number of frames with which to calculate the successive cross-correlated numbers.

This may discard some images, for example if 175 frames are in the input and frames_per_set = 50, then the last 25 are discarded. If bleaching or/and thresholding are selected, they are performed on the whole image stack before the sectioning is done for calculation of cross-correlated numbers.


A boolean. If TRUE, the windows used to calculate brightness are overlapped, if FALSE, they are not. For example, for a 20-frame image series with 5 frames per set, if the windows are not overlapped, then the frame sets used are 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20; whereas if they are overlapped, the frame sets are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and so on up to 16-20.


A natural number. The index of the first channel to use.


A natural number. The index of the second channel to use.


Do you want to apply an intensity threshold prior to calculating cross-correlated number (via autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh())? If so, set your thresholding method here. If this is a single value, that same threshold will be applied to both channels. If this is a length-2 vector or list, then these two thresholds will be applied to channels 1 and 2 respectively. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. To detrend one channel and not the other, specify this as a length 2 vector.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'smooth') or median (filt = 'median') filter the cross-correlated number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 and with the option na_count = TRUE. A value of NA for either channel gives no thresholding for that channel. If you want to smooth/median filter the cross-correlated number image in a different way, first calculate the cross-correlated numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.

See Also



## Not run: 
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "a.tif")
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "ab.tif")
cc_number_timeseries_folder(frames_per_set = 25)

## End(Not run)

Cross-correlated number and brightness image classes.


The cc_number_img and cc_brightness_img classes are designed to hold objects which are images calculated from the cross-correlated number and brightness technique.


cc_number_img(img, thresh, swaps, filt)

cc_brightness_img(img, thresh, swaps, filt)



The calculated cross-correlated number or brightness image.


A positive integer, possibly an object of class autothresholdr::th. If the different channels of the image had different thresholds, this argument may be specified as a vector or list (of positive integers, possibly objects of class autothresholdr::th), one element for each channel.


A non-negative integer with an attribute auto. If the different channels of the image had different swaps, this argument may be specified as a list (of non-negative integers with attributes auto), one element for each channel. For undetrended images, set swaps = NA.


A string, the filtering method used. Must be either "mean" or "median", or NA for no filtering. If the different channels of the image had different filters, this may be specified as a character vector, one element for each channel.


An object of class cc_number_img or cc_brightness_img is a 4-dimensional array of real numbers in the mould of an ijtiff_img (indexed as img[y, x, channel, frame]) with 3 attributes:


A positive integer, possibly an object of class autothresholdr::th detailing which threshold and thresholding method was used in preprocessing (in the multi-channel case, one threshold per channel is given).


A non-negative integer indicating the number of swaps used for Robin Hood detrending, with an attribute auto which is a logical indicating whether or not the parameter was chosen automatically (in the multi-channel case, one swaps per channel is given).


Was mean or median filtering used in postprocessing?


An object of class cc_number_img or cc_brightness_img.

Cross-correlated number and brightness time series image classes.


The cc_number_ts_img and cc_brightness_ts_img classes are designed to hold objects which are images calculated from the cross-correlated number and brightness technique.


cc_number_ts_img(img, frames_per_set, overlapped, thresh, swaps, filt)

cc_brightness_ts_img(img, frames_per_set, overlapped, thresh, swaps, filt)



The calculated cross-correlated number or brightness time series image series.


The number of frames used in the calculation of each point in the cross-correlated number or brightness time series.


A boolean. TRUE indicates that the windows used to calculate consecutive brightnesses over time were overlapped, FALSE indicates that they were not.


A positive integer, possibly an object of class autothresholdr::th. If the different channels of the image had different thresholds, this argument may be specified as a vector or list (of positive integers, possibly objects of class autothresholdr::th), one element for each channel.


A non-negative integer with an attribute auto. If the different channels of the image had different swaps, this argument may be specified as a list (of non-negative integers with attributes auto), one element for each channel. For undetrended images, set swaps = NA.


A string, the filtering method used. Must be either "mean" or "median", or NA for no filtering. If the different channels of the image had different filters, this may be specified as a character vector, one element for each channel.


An object of class cc_number_ts_img or cc_brightness_ts_img is a 4-dimensional array of real numbers in the mould of an ijtiff_img with 3 attributes:


A positive integer, possibly an object of class autothresholdr::th detailing which threshold and thresholding method was used in preprocessing (in the multi-channel case, one threshold per channel is given).


A non-negative integer indicating the parameter used for Robin Hood detrending with an attribute auto which is a logical indicating whether or not the parameter was chosen automatically (in the multi-channel case, one swaps per channel is given).


A positive integer detailing how many frames were used in the calculation of each point in the number or brightness time series.


A boolean. TRUE indicates that the windows used to calculate consecutive brightnesses over time were overlapped, FALSE indicates that they were not.


An object of class cc_number_ts_img or cc_brightness_ts_img.

See Also

cc_number_timeseries(), cc_brightness_timeseries().

Calculate the cross-variance of two vectors.


The cross-variance function is defined in the reference.


cross_var(x, y)



A numeric vector.


A numeric vector with the same length as x.


A number


Digman, MA, Wiseman, PW, Choi, C, Horwitz, AR, Gratton, E (2009). Stoichiometry of molecular complexes at adhesions in living cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 106, 7:2170-5.


cross_var(0:3, 2:5)

Calculate the cross-variance of corresponding pillars of 3d arrays.


The cross-variance function is defined in the reference.


cross_var_pillars(x, y)



A 3-dimensional array.


A 3-dimensional array with the same dimensions as x.


Pillar ⁠i, j⁠ of the 3-dimensional array arr is arr[i, j, ].


A matrix.


x <- array(1:27, dim = rep(3, 3))
y <- array(0:26, dim = rep(3, 3))
cross_var_pillars(x, y)

Make a raster plot of a matrix.


Given a matrix mat, make a raster plot of the matrix whereby in the plot, the pixel at x=x =i, y=y =j has colour based on the value of mat[i, j] and the xx axis points right and the yy axis points down (see 'Details').


  scale_name = "scale",
  limits = NULL,
  ranges = NULL,
  range_names = NULL,
  colours = NULL,
  na_colour = "black",
  clip = FALSE,
  clip_low = FALSE,
  clip_high = FALSE,
  log_trans = FALSE,
  breaks = NULL,
  include_breaks = NULL



The matrix you wish to plot.


A string. The title of the color scale on the right of the plot.


This gives the user the option to set all values outside a certain range to their nearest value within that range (if clip = TRUE) or to NA (if clip = FALSE. For example, to set all values outside the range [1.5, 2.6) to NA, use ⁠limits = c(1.5, 2.6), clip = FALSE⁠. The colour range will cover all values within these specified limits.


A numeric vector. If you want specific ranges of values to have the same color, specify these ranges via an increasing numeric vector. For example, if you want the ranges 0.5-1.2 and 1.2-3, use ranges = c(0.5, 1.2, 3). If ranges is specified as a number (a numeric vector of length 1) n, this is equivalent to setting ranges to be n equal-length intervals within the range of the matrix, i.e. it is equivalent to setting 'ranges = seq(min(mat), max(mat), length.out = n

  • 1)⁠. At most one of ⁠rangesandlimits⁠should be set. If ranges is set, the behaviour for values which are not in any of the ranges are set by the⁠clip⁠arguments as in the⁠limits' argument.


A character vector. If your colour scale is discrete, here you can set the names which will label each range in the legend.


If you have set ranges, here you may specify which colors you wish to colour each range. It must have the same length as the number of intervals you have specified in ranges. If you have not specified ranges, here you may specify the colours (to be passed to ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn()) to create the continuous colour band. It is specified as a character vector, with the colors specified either as the values in colors() or as in the value of the rgb() function. Note that this allows the use of grDevices::rainbow() and friends. The default uses viridis::viridis().


Which colour should the NA pixels be? Default is black.


If either limits or ranges are set (one should never set both), there may be values that fall outside the specified limits/ranges. If clip = TRUE, values outside these limits/ranges are set to their nearest values within them, but if clip = FALSE, these values are set to NA. Note that setting clip = TRUE is equivalent to setting both clip_low and clip_high to TRUE.


Setting this to TRUE (and leaving clip = FALSE, clip_high = FALSE) will set all values falling below the specified limits/ranges to their nearest value within them, but all values falling above those limits/ranges will be set to NA.


Setting this to TRUE (and leaving clip = FALSE, clip_low = FALSE) will set all values falling above the specified limits/ranges to their nearest value within them, but all values falling below those limits/ranges will be set to NA.


Do you want to log-transform the colour scaling?


Where do you want tick marks to appear on the legend colour scale?


If you don't want to specify all the breaks, but you want some specific ones to be included on the legend colour scale, specify those specific ones here.


In the graphics console, a raster plot (via ggplot2::geom_raster()) will appear with the matrix values represented as pixel colours, with a named scale bar.


img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
ijtiff::display(img[, , 1, 1])
matrix_raster_plot(img[, , 1, 1])
b <- brightness(img, def = "B", detrend = FALSE, thresh = "Huang")
matrix_raster_plot(b, scale_name = "brightness")
matrix_raster_plot(b, scale_name = "brightness", log_trans = TRUE)
  scale_name = "brightness", log_trans = TRUE,
  include_breaks = 1.35
  scale_name = "brightness", log_trans = TRUE,
  breaks = 1:3
  scale_name = "brightness",
  ranges = seq(0.5, 3, length.out = 6),
  range_names = paste0(1:5, "mer")
  scale_name = "brightness",
  ranges = seq(0.5, 3, length.out = 6),
  range_names = paste0(1:5, "mer"), log_trans = TRUE
  scale_name = "brightness",
  include_breaks = 1.25, range_names = NULL,
  log_trans = FALSE
  scale_name = "brightness",
  include_breaks = 1.25, log_trans = TRUE
  scale_name = "brightness",
  limits = c(1, 1.25), clip = TRUE
  scale_name = "brightness",
  include_breaks = 1.25

Smooth and median filters with options for handling NAs.


These are alternatives to EBImage::filter2() and EBImage::medianFilter() for smooth and median filtering respectively. These functions have many options for dealing with NA values which EBImage's functions lack.


median_filter(mat, size = 1L, na_rm = FALSE, na_count = FALSE)

smooth_filter(mat, size = 1L, na_rm = FALSE, na_count = FALSE)



A matrix (representing an image).


An integer; the median filter radius.


Should NAs be ignored?


If this is TRUE, in each median calculation, if the majority of arguments are NAs, NA is returned but if the NAs are in the minority, they are ignored as in median(x, na.rm = TRUE).


The behavior at image boundaries is such as the source image has been padded with pixels whose values equal the nearest border pixel value.


A matrix (the median filtered image).


m <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3)
m[2:3, 2:3] <- NA
median_filter(m, na_rm = TRUE)
median_filter(m, na_count = TRUE)

smooth_filter(m, na_rm = TRUE)
smooth_filter(m, na_count = TRUE)

nandb: Number and brightness in R.


The nandb package gives functions for calculation of molecular number and brightness from images, as detailed in Digman et al. 2008. It comes with an implementation of the novel 'automatic detrending' technique.


Digman MA, Dalal R, Horwitz AF, Gratton E. Mapping the Number of Molecules and Brightness in the Laser Scanning Microscope. Biophysical Journal. 2008;94(6):2320-2332. doi:10.1529/biophysj.107.114645.

Number and brightness image classes.


The number_img and brightness_img classes are designed to hold objects which are images calculated from the number and brightness technique.


number_img(img, def, thresh, swaps, filt)

brightness_img(img, def, thresh, swaps, filt)



The calculated number or brightness image.


The number or brightness definition used.


A positive integer, possibly an object of class autothresholdr::th. If the different channels of the image had different thresholds, this argument may be specified as a vector or list (of positive integers, possibly objects of class autothresholdr::th), one element for each channel.


A non-negative integer with an attribute auto. If the different channels of the image had different swaps, this argument may be specified as a list (of non-negative integers with attributes auto), one element for each channel. For undetrended images, set swaps = NA.


A string, the filtering method used. Must be either "mean" or "median", or NA for no filtering. If the different channels of the image had different filters, this may be specified as a character vector, one element for each channel.


An object of class number_img or brightness_img is a 4-dimensional array of real numbers in the mould of an ijtiff_img (indexed as img[y, x, channel, frame]) with 4 attributes:


Are we using the "N" or "n" definition of number, or the "B" or "epsilon" definition of brightness?


A positive integer, possibly an object of class autothresholdr::th detailing which threshold and thresholding method was used in preprocessing (in the multi-channel case, one threshold per channel is given).


A non-negative integer indicating the number of swaps Robin Hood detrending, with an attribute auto which is a logical indicating whether or not the parameter was chosen automatically (in the multi-channel case, one threshold per channel is given).


Was mean or median filtering used in postprocessing?


An object of class number_img or brightness_img.

Number and brightness time series image classes.


The number_ts_img and brightness_ts_img classes are designed to hold objects which are images calculated from the number and brightness technique.


number_ts_img(img, def, frames_per_set, overlapped, thresh, swaps, filt)

brightness_ts_img(img, def, frames_per_set, overlapped, thresh, swaps, filt)



The calculated number or brightness time series image series.


The number or brightness definition used.


The number of frames used in the calculation of each point in the number or brightness time series.


A boolean. TRUE indicates that the windows used to calculate consecutive brightnesses over time were overlapped, FALSE indicates that they were not.


A positive integer, possibly an object of class autothresholdr::th. If the different channels of the image had different thresholds, this argument may be specified as a vector or list (of positive integers, possibly objects of class autothresholdr::th), one element for each channel.


A non-negative integer with an attribute auto. If the different channels of the image had different swaps, this argument may be specified as a list (of non-negative integers with attributes auto), one element for each channel. For undetrended images, set swaps = NA.


A string, the filtering method used. Must be either "mean" or "median", or NA for no filtering. If the different channels of the image had different filters, this may be specified as a character vector, one element for each channel.


An object of class number_ts_img or brightness_ts_img is a 3- or 4-dimensional array of real numbers with 4 attributes:


Are we using the "N" or "n" definition of number, or the "B" or "epsilon" definition of brightness?


A positive integer, possibly an object of class autothresholdr::th detailing which threshold and thresholding method was used in preprocessing (in the multi-channel case, one threshold per channel is given).


A non-negative integer indicating the number of swaps used for Robin Hood detrending, with an attribute auto which is a logical indicating whether or not the parameter was chosen automatically (in the multi-channel case, one swaps per channel is given).


A positive integer detailing how many frames were used in the calculation of each point in the number or brightness time series.


A boolean. TRUE indicates that the windows used to calculate consecutive brightnesses over time were overlapped, FALSE indicates that they were not.


An object of class number_ts_img or brightness_ts_img.

See Also

number_timeseries(), brightness_timeseries().

Calculate number from image series.


Given a time stack of images, number() performs a calculation of the number for each pixel.


  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  s = 1,
  offset = 0,
  readout_noise = 0,
  gamma = 1,
  parallel = FALSE



A 4-dimensional array of images indexed by img[y, x, channel, frame] (an object of class ijtiff::ijtiff_img). The image to perform the calculation on. To perform this on a file that has not yet been read in, set this argument to the path to that file (a string).


A character. Which definition of number do you want to use, "n" or "N"?


The threshold or thresholding method (see autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh()) to use on the image prior to detrending and number calculations. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector or list, one element for each channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'mean') or median (filt = 'median') filter the number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 (with corners included, so each median is the median of 9 elements) and with the option na_count = TRUE. If you want to smooth/median filter the number image in a different way, first calculate the numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


A positive number. The SS-factor of microscope acquisition.

offset, readout_noise

Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Factor for correction of number nn due to the illumination profile. The default (gamma = 1) has no effect. Changing gamma will have the effect of dividing the result by gamma, so the result with gamma = 0.5 is two times the result with gamma = 1. For a Gaussian illumination profile, use gamma = 0.3536; for a Gaussian-Lorentzian illumination profile, use gamma = 0.0760.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


A matrix, the number image.


Digman MA, Dalal R, Horwitz AF, Gratton E. Mapping the Number of Molecules and Brightness in the Laser Scanning Microscope. Biophysical Journal. 2008;94(6):2320-2332. doi:10.1529/biophysj.107.114645.

Dalal, RB, Digman, MA, Horwitz, AF, Vetri, V, Gratton, E (2008). Determination of particle number and brightness using a laser scanning confocal microscope operating in the analog mode. Microsc. Res. Tech., 71, 1:69-81. doi:10.1002/jemt.20526.

Hur K-H, Macdonald PJ, Berk S, Angert CI, Chen Y, Mueller JD (2014) Quantitative Measurement of Brightness from Living Cells in the Presence of Photodepletion. PLoS ONE 9(5): e97440. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097440.


img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
ijtiff::display(img[, , 1, 1])
num <- number(img, "N", thresh = "Huang")
num <- number(img, "n", thresh = "tri")

Number calculations for every image in a folder.


Perform number() calculations on all tif images in a folder and save the resulting number images to disk.


  folder_path = ".",
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  s = 1,
  offset = 0,
  readout_noise = 0,
  gamma = 1,
  parallel = FALSE



The path (relative or absolute) to the folder you wish to process.


A character. Which definition of number do you want to use, "n" or "N"?


The threshold or thresholding method (see autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh()) to use on the image prior to detrending and number calculations. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector or list, one element for each channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'mean') or median (filt = 'median') filter the number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 (with corners included, so each median is the median of 9 elements) and with the option na_count = TRUE. If you want to smooth/median filter the number image in a different way, first calculate the numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


A positive number. The SS-factor of microscope acquisition.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Factor for correction of number nn due to the illumination profile. The default (gamma = 1) has no effect. Changing gamma will have the effect of dividing the result by gamma, so the result with gamma = 0.5 is two times the result with gamma = 1. For a Gaussian illumination profile, use gamma = 0.3536; for a Gaussian-Lorentzian illumination profile, use gamma = 0.0760.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


Extreme number values (of magnitude greater than 3.40282e+38) will be written to the TIFF file as NA, since TIFF files cannot handle such huge numbers.

See Also



## Not run: 
img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "img2.tif")
number_folder(def = "n", thresh = "Huang", parallel = 2)

## End(Not run)

Create a number time-series.


Given a stack of images img, use the first frames_per_set of them to create one number image, the next frames_per_set of them to create the next number image and so on to get a time-series of number images.


  overlap = FALSE,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  s = 1,
  offset = 0,
  readout_noise = 0,
  gamma = 1,
  parallel = FALSE



A 4-dimensional array of images indexed by img[y, x, channel, frame] (an object of class ijtiff::ijtiff_img). The image to perform the calculation on. To perform this on a file that has not yet been read in, set this argument to the path to that file (a string).


A character. Which definition of number do you want to use, "n" or "N"?


The number of frames with which to calculate the successive numbers.


A boolean. If TRUE, the windows used to calculate brightness are overlapped, if FALSE, they are not. For example, for a 20-frame image series with 5 frames per set, if the windows are not overlapped, then the frame sets used are 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20; whereas if they are overlapped, the frame sets are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and so on up to 16-20.


The threshold or thresholding method (see autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh()) to use on the image prior to detrending and number calculations. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector or list, one element for each channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'mean') or median (filt = 'median') filter the number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 (with corners included, so each median is the median of 9 elements) and with the option na_count = TRUE. If you want to smooth/median filter the number image in a different way, first calculate the numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


A positive number. The SS-factor of microscope acquisition.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Factor for correction of number nn due to the illumination profile. The default (gamma = 1) has no effect. Changing gamma will have the effect of dividing the result by gamma, so the result with gamma = 0.5 is two times the result with gamma = 1. For a Gaussian illumination profile, use gamma = 0.3536; for a Gaussian-Lorentzian illumination profile, use gamma = 0.0760.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


This may discard some images, for example if 175 frames are in the input and frames_per_set = 50, then the last 25 are discarded. If detrending is selected, it is performed on the whole image stack before the sectioning is done for calculation of numbers.


An object of class number_ts_img.

See Also



img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
nts <- number_timeseries(img, "n", frames_per_set = 20, thresh = "Huang")

Number time-series calculations for every image in a folder.


Perform number_timeseries() calculations on all tif images in a folder and save the resulting number images to disk.


  folder_path = ".",
  overlap = FALSE,
  thresh = NULL,
  detrend = FALSE,
  quick = FALSE,
  filt = NULL,
  s = 1,
  offset = 0,
  readout_noise = 0,
  gamma = 1,
  parallel = FALSE



The path (relative or absolute) to the folder you wish to process.


A character. Which definition of number do you want to use, "n" or "N"?


The number of frames with which to calculate the successive numbers.


A boolean. If TRUE, the windows used to calculate brightness are overlapped, if FALSE, they are not. For example, for a 20-frame image series with 5 frames per set, if the windows are not overlapped, then the frame sets used are 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20; whereas if they are overlapped, the frame sets are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 and so on up to 16-20.


The threshold or thresholding method (see autothresholdr::mean_stack_thresh()) to use on the image prior to detrending and number calculations. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector or list, one element for each channel.


Detrend your data with detrendr::img_detrend_rh(). This is the best known detrending method for brightness analysis. For more fine-grained control over your detrending, use the detrendr package. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


FALSE repeats the detrending procedure (which has some inherent randomness) a few times to hone in on the best detrend. TRUE is quicker, performing the routine only once. FALSE is better.


Do you want to smooth (filt = 'mean') or median (filt = 'median') filter the number image using smooth_filter() or median_filter() respectively? If selected, these are invoked here with a filter radius of 1 (with corners included, so each median is the median of 9 elements) and with the option na_count = TRUE. If you want to smooth/median filter the number image in a different way, first calculate the numbers without filtering (filt = NULL) using this function and then perform your desired filtering routine on the result. If there are many channels, this may be specified as a vector, one element for each channel.


A positive number. The SS-factor of microscope acquisition.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Microscope acquisition parameters. See reference Dalal et al.


Factor for correction of number nn due to the illumination profile. The default (gamma = 1) has no effect. Changing gamma will have the effect of dividing the result by gamma, so the result with gamma = 0.5 is two times the result with gamma = 1. For a Gaussian illumination profile, use gamma = 0.3536; for a Gaussian-Lorentzian illumination profile, use gamma = 0.0760.


Would you like to use multiple cores to speed up this function? If so, set the number of cores here, or to use all available cores, use parallel = TRUE.


Extreme number values (of magnitude greater than 3.40282e+38) will be written to the TIFF file as NA, since TIFF files cannot handle such huge numbers.

See Also



## Not run: 
img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "50.tif", package = "nandb"))
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "img1.tif")
ijtiff::write_tif(img, "img2.tif")
number_timeseries_folder(def = "n", thresh = "Huang", frames_per_set = 20)

## End(Not run)